304-697-7705 sales@eve.net
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These instructions apply to most Android phones, but due to vendor customizations and/or OS upgrades, may not always apply. Please contact support@eve.net if you need additional help.

Go to your applications list.


If you see a list of Internet service icons, tap EMAIL.

You will see “Enter Your Existing Email”

UNCHECK “Automatically configure account”

Enter your full email address on the “Email:” line.

Enter your password exactly as was given to you on the “Password:” line, being careful to use upper/lower case as needed.

Tap Next

Tap General Settings

Account Name = You can leave this as-is or name it

Real Name = Your real name, (Example: John Doe)

Email Address = this should already be set to your full email address.

Tap OK

Tap Incoming Server

Tap “Pop Mail Server” and change it to: “IMAP Mail Server”

Change Server to: mail.YOURDOMAINNAME.com (Example: mail.johndoe.com)

Username and password should already be set to the correct values, but if not, username = full email, password = your exact password.

Tap Advanced Settings

Port = 993
Use secure connection = CHECKED
Use secure password (TLS) = ALWAYS
Verify Certificate = UNCHECKED

Tap OK

Tap OK

Tap Outgoing Server

Change SMTP Server to: mail.YOURDOMAINNAME.com
(Example: mail.johndoe.com)

Username and password should already be set to the correct values, but if not, username = full email, password = your exact password.


Change port from 25 to either 26 (some customers) or 587 (most customers)

Use secure connection = CHECKED

Use Secure Password (TLS) = ALWAYS

Authentication = AUTO

Verify Certificate = UNCHECKED

Tap OK

Tap OK

Tap OK

From now on, when you tap the EMAIL icon, you should get your emails.

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