304-697-7705 sales@eve.net

Outlook 2010 – Change Outgoing SMTP Port

If your outgoing email was working normally and stops working unexpectedly, but you can still receive your e-mails properly, it is likely that your ISP has started blocking port 25 on your Internet account. These instructions will provide a way to update your SMTP...

General Warning: Solicitations that look like bills

This is just a general warning that it is common practice for some disreputable companies to either mail or e-mail you solicitations that look a lot like official invoices/requests for information. In the case of the advertisements disguised as bills, if you read the...

How to Choose a Strong Password

When choosing a password you should NOT do the following: Using a very common password, such as “password”, “123456” and “qwerty” for example. Using short passwords. The password should be at least twelve characters long. Using a...

Computer Safety Advice

If you are running Windows, the following general advice will help keep your computer from becoming infected with the various malware and viruses on the net: Turn on Windows Automatic Updates – make sure your computer always has the latest updates from Microsoft...
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